

Paying For Your Milk And Dairy Produce Is Easy.

You can click http://www.parkerdairies.co.uk/pay-bill to pay online or

Our new system allows you to view your account and pay directly online. If you prefere to pay your milkman directly then this is still the same, we accept cash ,cheques and Healthy Start vouchers which can be presented to your milkman when he arrives on their weekly collection day / evening. We also provide easy to use payment envelopes that can be left out next to your empty bottles for you milkman to collect. Simply pop in cash/ cheque, made out to Parker Dairies ( remember to put your name and address on the back ) seal it up, and put it were it can be seen. An example of the envelope is below.

Or we can take a card payment over the phone 020 8520 5943.



You can also use this envelope to amend /add to your regular order.

